Hello Learners,
Hope you all are fine, safe and healthy also. Guys as you all know that ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is on its verge and in this hard time we all have to be positive. Now we have ample of weapon i.e., Vaccines with us but along with that we have one more weapon with us and what would I called that it is the strongest weapon i.e., the weapon of positivity. Positivity in this hard times is very much important and also it brings the ray of shine and hopes in our lives.
So, now you are thinking that everyone says “BE POSITIVE”, but no one suggests the way of being that. Guys, don’t worry I am here with the interesting way of being positive.

Whenever you feel low because of ongoing pandemic just went out from your house and look at your surroundings, the environment you have and thinks about the plants, the trees surrounded by you, the environment you have. You realized that due to pandemic lockdown they acquire their new lifestyle.
How????????? This is what you thinking na…… let me tell you…….
The foremost positive impact is of reduction of air pollution i.e., as industries, transportation and companies have closed down, it has brought a sudden drop of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions. It was estimated that nearly 50% reduction of N2O and CO occurred due to the shutdown of heavy industries. Also, emission of NO₂ is one of the key indicators of global economic activities, which indicates a sign of reduction in many countries due to the shutdown. Usually, NO2 is emitted from the burning of fossil fuels, 80% of which comes from motor vehicle exhaust. It is noted that NO2 causes acid rain with the interaction of O2 and H2O, and caused several respiratory diseases suffered by humans. The European Environmental Agency (EEA) predicted that, because of the COVID-19 lockdown, NO2 emission dropped from 30-60% in many European cities including Barcelona, Madrid, Milan, Rome and Paris. Overall, much less consumption of fossil fuels lessens the GHGs emission, which helps to combat against global climate change. It is reported that, coal-based power generation reduced 26% in India with 19% reduction of total power generation after lockdown.
So, look how positively lockdown purify the environment as well our lives too and feel the positivity and purified air which is there in your nearby surrounding.
Let’s move towards the next i.e., Reduction of water pollution i.e., during the lockdown period, the major industrial sources of pollution have shrunk or completely stopped, which helped to reduce the pollution load. For instance, the river Ganga and Yamuna have reached a significant level of purity due to the absence of industrial pollution on the days of lockdown in India. It is found that, among the 36 real-time monitoring stations of river Ganga, water from 27 stations met the permissible limit. This improvement of water quality at Haridwar and Rishikesh was ascribed to the sudden drop of the number of visitors and 500% reduction of sewage and industrial effluents. According to the real-time water quality monitoring data of the Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board (UPCB) of India, physicochemical parameters i.e., pH (7.4–7.8), dissolved oxygen (DO) (9.4–10.6 mg/L), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (0.6–1.2 mg/L) and total coliform (40–90 MPN/100 mL) of the river Ganga was found within the surface water quality standard of India. It is also found that, the concentration of pH, electric conductivity (EC), DO, BOD and chemical oxygen demand (COD) has reduced almost 1–10%, 33–66%, 45–90%, and 33–82% respectively in different monitoring stations during the lockdown in comparison to the pre-lockdown period. Moreover, due to imposed a ban of public gathering, number of tourists and water activities were reduced in many places. Usually, huge amount of solid trashes is generated from construction and manufacturing process responsible for water and soil pollution, also reduced. Moreover, owing to the reduction of export-import business, the movement of merchant ship and other vessels are reduced globally, which also reduces emission as well as marine pollution.
Aren’t you amazed after knowing all this and I am very sure that you also started feeling positivity the same way.
The another aspect is about Reduction of noise pollution, it is the elevated levels of sound, generated from different human activities (e.g., machines, vehicles, construction work), which may lead to adverse effects in human and other living organisms. Usually, noise negatively effects on physiological health, along with cardiovascular disorders, hypertension, and sleep shortness of human. It is reported that, globally around 360 million people are prone to hearing loss due to noise pollution. Moreover, anthropogenic noise pollution has adverse impacts on wildlife through the changing balance in predator and prey detection and avoidance. Unwanted noise also negatively effects on the invertebrates, that help to control environmental processes which are vital for the balance of the ecosystem. However, the quarantine and lockdown measures mandate that people to stay at home and reduced economic activities and communication worldwide, which ultimately reduced noise level in most cities. Overall, COVID-19 lockdown, and lessens of economic activities reduced the noise pollution around the globe.
Last but not the least, above briefly discussed advantages will provide you the different perspective and site. Now, hope whenever you are low and sad because of this pandemic and lockdown, your nearby environment provides you the motivation and a fresh deep breath so that you will feel fresh and happy.
So, that’s all for now. Hope to meet you soon guys with another interesting stuff and also hope you enjoyed the stuff.
Lastly #stayhappy #stayhealthy #enjoytheenvironment #Indiafightsagainstcovid #feelenvironment #stay #positive.
Happy Learning!
BioPsych Bisoscience